My friend Brad Schoenfeld runs a successful gym, sports a bodybuilder’s body and writes books about workouts that work. Yet he is the first to admit gym memberships and pricey exercise equipment are not needed for you or me to get in great shape.

Brad also knows that gym memberships are not right for everyone. For many it’s best to work out in the privacy of their own home.

“You don't need to spend a fortune on a home gym,” Brad told me during a short interview. “No matter what your budget is, you can build a gym that suits your needs.

“The key to getting the best value for your money is to prioritize. If your financial resources are limited, focus on obtaining equipment for resistance training first.”

Why should you listen to what Brad says?

For starters, Brad is an internationally renowned fitness expert, who’s widely regarded as one of the leading authorities on body composition training (muscle development and fat loss). He is a lifetime drug-free bodybuilder, and has won numerous natural bodybuilding titles.

I don’t know about you, but I am not trying to win a Mr. America title anytime soon.

What I would like to do is set up a home gym that won’t break my budget but will help me shed some fat.

Oh, and Brad really did write the book on home workouts – it’s called Women's Home Workout Bible.  

“You can set up your personal gym for as little as $100,” he told me. “Or, you can expand your options with more equipment for $500, $1,000, or more than $2,500.”

WebMD offers this lineup for the home gym:

Treadmill: This best-selling piece of equipment is great for cardiovascular exercise. Start walking at a low intensity for 30 minutes. Depending on how you do, adjust the intensity, incline, and/or time accordingly.

Free weights: Think barbells and dumbbells. Dumbbells are recommended for beginners. A good start is an 18-pound adjustable dumbbell set, which can be adjusted in 3-pound increments.

Other equipment: If you have some extra cash. You can shop for weight stacks (plates with cables and pulleys), flexible bands and flexible rods. Flexible bands are good for beginners, but they’re not recommended for long-term use because your muscles can adapt to the resistance and need more of a challenge.

Exercise ball: Work on your balance and the proper usage to get the best benefit of this fun piece of equipment.

Videos and DVDs: Before sliding a disk into your entertainment system and working out, give the workout a watch first – it’ll help you get familiar with the workout and the expected moves. To further improve your form, try working out in front of a mirror.

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