
We all have our weaknesses – and I’m happy to tell you, that’s okay. What’s not okay, is letting your cravings rule your weight loss journey. Here are some healthy weight loss tips you can apply to your everyday that will help you rule your cravings – not the other way around:

Think about whether you’re really hungry. Have a big glass of water or go for a ten-minute walk, and then see if you still really want something to eat.

Keep chocolate in the freezer. It’s a lot harder to binge on chocolate when it’s frozen!

When you have a craving, chew gum or have a breath mint—it’ll help distract your brain and your stomach!

If you’re going out to a restaurant or a party, eat something beforehand so you won’t be as hungry and risk over-indulging.

Record your favourite TV programs and fast-forward through the ad breaks. Then you won’t have time to go and get yourself an unhealthy snack!

Know your triggers. If you binge when you’re upset, try something different next time you feel that way—phone a friend or watch your favourite movie.

Don’t be afraid to say no. If work colleagues bring cake to the office, it’s ok to refuse a piece. Remember—you’re better off in the long run.

When you start craving, try deep breathing and mental relaxation exercises. You’ll calm yourself without food and without the guilt that follows a binge.

Reboot your brain. If you always done something one way or at one time (eg after dinner snacking) it has become hard-wired into your brain. Re-boot your software by doing something different.       Neuroscientists have recently discovered that this IS possible. Rather than following the usual path that you take, make yourself a completely new path!

Work out what works best for you. Some of these may work for others, others may just tempt you further.       Work out which is which and don’t lie to yourself that something that hasn’t worked before will suddenly work this time

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