
If you’re frustrated in your efforts to lose weight, don’t give up yet!  At Dr. G’s Weight Loss & Wellness, we see all kinds of people who are doing what they can to lose the weight.  We help them with our medical weight loss centers, meal replacements, access to our weight loss doctor and other diet professionals, a healthy support system and follow up care.  All of these things make for a great diet plan and our clients see excellent results.  Here are some other tips from a weight loss
doctor that will make your dieting efforts even easier.

Don’t Skip Meals

It may sound counterintuitive, but when you’re dieting, you should never skip a meal.  That’s because when you do, your body will go into starvation mode and be able to burn fewer calories.

Reduce the Stress

When you’re stressed out, your body will crave carbs because they make you feel good mentally.  In
order to avoid this, it’s important to incorporate stress reducing activities in your diet plan.  Exercise helps relieve stress, as does meditation, prayer, and any other activity that you get
pleasure from.

Shop With a List

Run, don’t walk, from snack and processed foods in the grocery store.  In order to avoid the
temptation, be sure to plan your meals and then make a list before stepping foot inside of the store.  Remember, most of the unhealthy foods are located in the center aisles of the grocery store.

Drink Water

You’ve probably heard this before, buy you might not understand the “why” of it.  When your
body is thirsty, you might confuse that craving with hunger.  Rather than automatically reaching for food when you feel a craving, try drinking a glass of water and waiting a few minutes.  You might find out that it was all you really needed.

Talk a Walk

Before you eat, go for a brief walk outdoors.  Odds are that by the time you return, you won’t be as hungry and you’ll be more likely to choose something healthy to eat.  Do this before your lunch and
dinner and watch the pounds melt away.

Of course, these are just some of the things you can do to increase your chances of a successful weight loss plan.  When you join our medical weight loss center, our weight loss doctor will create a personalized plan for you that will help you reach your ideal body weight.

11/14/2014 03:57:23 pm

Good tips. If you want to look feet then take weight loss solutions from expert dietitian http://www.reduceeasyweightloss.com/Reduce_Programmes_offered.html and look slim and pretty.


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